Saturday, February 1, 2014

Summary Reflection_2.1.14

Summarizing is something I feel like I do often so it was not that big of a deal for me.  The only real difference was that the article was longer and denser than I am used to and that the summary that I had to write was a lot longer.  It was challenging getting used to the academic writing and how to find information in a academic paper.  I think, overall, you just have to practice it.  In my opinion, I am good at extrapolating from information given to figure out where the author came from or is going when it comes to engineering and science writing.   I most likely will have no clue what it is talking about but given context clues, I can deduce a good amount of information to summarize it.  Writing three pages worth of information was tricky.  I am used to dealing with summaries that are two pages at most so to write three full pages was hard.  The only thing I would want to change about this was my article.  I just kind of grabbed the first article I saw that sounded cool.  It is difficult to find really good articles online. I would just prefer that we had more resources to us.  Maybe that was just me being lazy and only looking online but it just seemed that we had to find an article very quickly.  Overall, it was a good assignment.  I like being able to research my own field to see what new advances are coming.  I feel like it is also good for us, who are just about to enter our fields, to be familiar with the newest technology in that discipline.  Staying current in your discipline seems to be extremely vital for you in that field because it shows what your colleagues are doing, what new advances are being made, what areas of research are gaining popularity or decreasing in popularity.  It gets us more acquainted with what we are interested in.


  1. Love what you say about being able to understand things via context clues. Rhetoric! Reading between the lines! You've got it!
    Regarding finding articles online, did you use the library website? They have peer reviewed journals in just about every field. Super cool. Google scholar has gotten pretty good the past year too.

    Oh hey, any chance you could be convinced to change your blog background/font colors? It is really hard to read bright white on black...

    Can't wait to read your summary!

    1. Dear Professor, I got my article from google scholar. Since I am taking Library 160 right, we are learning about all the different resources that ISU has to research something in your field. It’s crazy how much information we have access to. I just changed my blog around so if you got a second, would you mind looking at it to see if its easier to read. If not, let me know. I like playing around with all the customization of it. Hope you feel better

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