Friday, January 31, 2014

Summary of research article in your field

A Japanese engineering firm has created a new way of product development.  Kansei Engineering (KE) has created a consumer based technology to aid in the product development of engineering designs.  There are two ways to go about designing a product.  The product-out method means you design something based off of what you think people will like or what you like better.  The other way is called market-in.  The market-in strategy is where you do research and use consumer responses and opinions to design something.  It is essentially “asking” the consumer what they think is best.  Everyone has a slightly different idea as to what would make a better car, toy train, laptop, etc.  What KE has done is put those opinions into a few computers to find the “best” way to make a product.
 They were met with four main areas of concern.  The first one is how to figure out who the consumer feels about a product in terms of his or her own opinion of how the product should function or look.  The second was how to identify the characteristics of the products design. Third, how to create Kansei Engineering as a desirable technology. Finally, how to alter product design to both benefit society and people’s preferences and trends best.  Kansei Engineering took data from various surveys and consumer opinions written in magazines or articles in those areas.  To overcome these challenges, Kansei Engineering divided the procedure into three types.  Type I would categorize where the product was in terms of classifications set down by KE.  The example of how classification works for this was automobiles verse a couch.  One is technical considered a piece of heavy machinery, whereas the other is furniture.  They had to make this distinction with extreme care because people want different things to function or look differently than others.  For example, if I wanted a car that was just going to be used for me getting to and from work but if I wanted a new set of chairs for my living room where I know my kids are going to spill their grape juice then my choice is going to differ in function and longevity.  The first example that was given was about Mazda, a Japanese car company that wanted to make their driver feel more in control when they were driving.  Not necessarily in the literal sense but in the way that the car handles and responds to your inputs.  They had their computers create concepts and subconcepts of how to accomplish such a car.
The second type was Kansei Engineering Computer System (KES).  This was a completely computer bases system with another system inside of it to transfer the consumer’s opinion of a design to the design details that the computer would calculate.  This is really just a glorified database for engineers.  They broke it down into four separate databases.  The first one is called, Kansei database.  In Japan, they have what are called Kansei words, which are like keywords in a search.  They limit the search area and narrow down to something that the engineers know how to work with.  For example, a kansei word might be luxurious or cheap or colorful.  They gathered more than six hundred words from dialogue with salesmen and from industry magazines and articles.  This was then reduced to only a hundred kansei words.  They then made scales and created a number system to go along with multiple designs or concepts.  There was some fancy mathematics done to organize the numbers and designs within this database.  The second one is called, Image Database.  They used even fancier math to connect the kansei words with images.  It relates them using statistical information between images and words.  This allows them to identify what words match with what something should look like.  If a consumer wanted something to look “elegant” then the database would be able to connect the word elegant to visual images that would help engineers to create something that would look elegant to people.  The third database is called Knowledge-base.  This is a catalog of rules that are set by the high correlation between certain factors that will make up this concept design.  It finds the matching pair(s) of numbers from the other databases to figure out which one is more desirable.  The fourth and final database created by Kansei Engineering is called Design and color database.  This is the database where all the information ends up.  It creates designs using the color and design constraints as well as correlate the kansei words to the final concept designs.  It makes sure that everything that was input into the system was taken into account.  The overall procedure works like this. You input your image words that you want the design to incorporate. The databases check and try to recognize them. They then go through all the databases that were previously mentioned and the inference engine decides on what the design should incorporate.  This approach to finding out how to design future products will help to ensure that consumers get what they want.  The example used is about a person wanting to buy a house or a costume.  Maybe he or she wants the costume to be sexy and the house to be lovely.  You would then want different results based on the kansei words used to describe their perfect product.
The article’s last few pages are about the application of these technologies and approaches to engineering design challenges.  Currently, it is mostly only automobile companies that are using this new technique to its fullest.  Nissan, Mazda and Mitsubishi are using this information to make new passenger cars.  This method of production of design has proved extremely useful to those you have implemented it.  All the previously mentioned car companies created successful cars using it and it has even caught the attention of an American car manufacturer named Ford.  Ford’s CEO has claimed that it aided in the design of their new “Taurus” line of cars.  As well as cars, the KES has demonstrated great results in costume design, house design and entrance door design.  They demonstrated their design technique with the steering wheel of a car.  They took kansei words from repair shops and dealers as well as car magazines.  Fifty-nine design samples were created and shown to twenty-seven male and twenty-three female students.  The participants evaluated each slide and the designs were analyzed on the scales used in the databases.  They were then classified into thirteen different designs.  An example of the different designs would be like number of spokes and the pad face area and pad face design.  Overall, Kansei Engineering is a method of approach to product design with consumer opinion incorporated into the design elements.  It is based on computer science as well as ergonomics to employ an effective way of creating consumer products that will instantly be liked by said consumers.  There are currently only a few companies that are using this technology but it has shown tremendous results where is has been applied.  It is still in its young stages but the growing information that is utilized in its databases will make it grow seven stronger in the future.

Work Cited
Mitsuo Nagamachi, Kansei Engineering: A new ergonomic consumer-oriented technology for product development, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 15, Issue 1, January 1995, Pages 3-11, ISSN 0169-8141,


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